This gallery contains 5 photos.
Stand for the Second was a student-led, student-driven movement organizing walkouts at high schools across America on May 2, 2018, to stand for the Second Amendment. It was initiated by students and received technical guidance from the Tea Party Patriots organization.
It is incumbent upon our Tea Party movement to engage with liberty-minded American students in order to prepare the next generation of patriots.
The four-point campaign advocated by Dr. Jerome Huyler, who spoke at the March meeting of the Brooklyn Tea Party, is encapsulated in his blog post on Lanterns.buzz, “Our Colleges and Cultural Elites Won’t Save US, These Men and Women Might.”
He was referring to the “forgotten men and women of the country” and suggests invoking the four P-appeals to reach out to these Americans: Principles (i.e., our founding principles), Pocketbook (now you’re talking), Patronage, and Pride.
Dr Huyler said,
“…why not light a match? 2018: time to show the establishment pols of both parties the door and send an army of Mr. Smiths to Washington to CUT programs and CLOSE agencies.”
To read more, follow the link below.
Video recording of Dr. Huyler’s talk are posted on YouTube in 5 sections:
(Subtitles/closed captions are available when you select CC)
Bernie Quigley’s post in THE HILL contrasts the Hamiltonian and Jeffersonian visions for America.
We can be thankful that the Founders instituted the Electoral College system so that the “new Western-based or heartland-based conservatism” has a chance to take hold.
Trump’s Cabinet could usher in a new era of Jefferson
By Bernie Quigley
“There will be a lot of support for it in the City Council. We want people to participate in civic life and be invested in what happens. It will lead to a healthier community,” said NYC Councilman Jumaane Williams. Williams’ above statement supporting the creation of voting rights for illegal immigrants in NYC, is a dream come true for all of the Democrats and the political and donor classes. However, it’s every Black New Yorker’s nightmare soon to be realized. While New York Democrats like Williams would be guaranteed a new political majority, and the donor class would keep their nannies and landscapers, the Black community can expect more of the following: The recent surge in heroin overdoses is hitting black and white Americans about equally. According to the CDC, heroin overdose deaths from 2013 to 2014 (the most recent years available) increased by 8 percent for non-Hispanic whites, and increased 8.2 percent for non-Hispanic blacks. Ironically, heroin deaths of Hispanics increased by 0.0 percent.
Further adding insult to injury for Black Americans, will be the further destruction of jobs for the Black Community in NYC. As Al Sharpton often reminds us, Black youth unemployment is twice as high as their White counterparts. Therefore, you can’t help but wonder how Councilman Williams thinks giving away low skilled jobs to illegal aliens will help Black lives in New York? Likewise, you can’t help but wonder when the chickens will come home to roost for Williams? Finally, why does Councilman Williams believe that law abiding immigrants should be held to a higher standard than illegal aliens? Does Councilman Williams plan on paying reparations of some sort to every family in New York City who has invested time, money, and resources to go through the American immigration system? Any reasonable person would assume this to be the case, and they look forward to hearing what the Councilman proposes that we ought to do. While we await his proposal, he may want to request that his aids refresh him on state and federal laws, which prevents localities from doing what Councilman Williams is attempting to do with this constitutional abomination.
By Raimondo Ranalletta, Brooklyn Tea Party Member.
Join the Brooklyn Tea Party At Our Next Meeting on Sunday March 13, 2016 with State Senator Marty Golden and the Candidate for the Special Election being held in the 59th Assembly District Jeffrey J. Ferretti. Senator Golden will be addressing our membership on the issue that some New York City Council members are looking to push to have illegal aliens given the right to vote in New York City Elections.
Sunday, March 13 1:30 PM – 3:30 PM
Kings Highway Library
2115 Ocean Ave. (nr. Kings Highway) Map
The Meeting will be held in the Basement of the Library, the room at the foot of the stairway leading to the Basement.
Just a note to set your clocks ahead in the Morning since March 13, 2016 is day light savings time as we spring ahead.
Join the Brooklyn Tea Party at our next meeting on Sunday September 20, 2015 from 5:30PM-7PM .
Location: 616 E 4th St (between Cortelyou Rd & Ditmas Ave), Brooklyn NY in the Back Yard.
We will be discussing many topics ranging from the upcoming Presidential election to the Middle East to domestic policy and the role that the Brooklyn Tea Party will be playing in becoming a stronger voice in protecting our Constitution from the ravages of the Obama Administration and our American way of life.
Attendees at the recent Brooklyn Tea Party meeting heard about the newly-formed House Freedom Caucus whose goal is to enact a more conservative agenda.
Read more about the Freedom Caucus here.
Attendees at the recent Brooklyn Tea Party meeting were encouraged to listen to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech before the U.S. Congress about the threat of Iran’s nuclear program. Please be advised that the speech will be broadcast live on Optimum Cable TV Channel 138 (Jewish Broadcasting Service) on Tuesday, March 3 from 10:30am to 1:00pm EST. It will be re-broadcast Tuesday evening and again Wednesday afternoon.
The speech will also be aired on C-SPAN Tuesday, March 3, starting at 10:45am EST.
The Convention of States (COS) Project was founded by Citizens for Self Governance for the purpose of stopping the runaway power of the federal government. They believe Washington, D.C., is broken and will not fix itself. The federal government is spending this country into the ground, seizing power from the states and taking liberty from the people.
COS has a solution that is as big as the problem. They are endorsed by WABC Radio Host Mark Levin who believes a Convention of States, provided for in our Constitution, is the last real hope for saving the American republic.
Please visit their site and become involved. Mark’s comments can be heard at http://www.conventionofstates.com/levin