Mayor De Blasio your policies have created an environment that has caused this to happen. This precious one year old baby boy will never know what it would feel like to go on his first date to get married to have children of his own. You robbed this child’s future by your assault on the NYPD, by pulling the undercover anti-crime units off of our streets which was responsible in removing the illegal guns and narcotics off of our streets. You’ve caused an environment that has increased the shootings and murders in this city to an astronomical rate. You took this kid’s life along with the murderer that did this. Your policies have made our streets worse than the Wild Wild West. You should be ashamed of yourself. Refund the NYPD immediately or more senseless killings like this will occur each and every day in our city. Mayor De Blasio You should be arrested for accessory to murder. We had enough of you.
All lives Matter.
Glenn Nocera President Brooklyn Tea Party.
Republican State Committeemen 44th AD